
these are securities that give the owner the right to receive dividends * (profit) from the company. By purchasing shares, the investor receives a stake in this company, and the company receives finance for its development. When securities are issued on the stock exchange, the company ceases to be a private organization and become a joint stock company

*Dividends are a piece of the company's income paid out to shareholders. Their amount depends on the number of securities, the share in the company and the type of shares.

are divided into two types


Common Shares
owners can participate in the shareholder meeting, but they do not have
benefits when paying dividends


Preferred shares
shareholders cannot participate in meetings,
but the holders of these shares have an advantage in the distribution of dividends.

Why invest in shares?

Many people choose to invest in shares as it is more profitable than bonds and deposits.

Sharse also give some benefits:

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Where can I buy shares for a private person?